


I'm a New Mexico native. I grew up near the Colorado border for 19 years. In the late 80s I started a series of moves between Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado that lasted more than twenty years. I consider each of them "home" in some respect but I really prefer the outdoor life of Colorado over the others.

I've had every job imaginable -- from janitor to vice president, from startup entrepreneur to faithful rank-and-file employee. In 2004 I found my stride in real estate. I started in traditional residential/commercial sales and later transitioned to professional land services in renewable energy.

I'm a simple man, really. My mountain bike, time in the mountains, and a good cup of coffee or ten make my world go around. I'm also a student of philosophy and theology, and a bit of a fitness enthusiast.

Professional Land Services

Following the recession circa 2007-2008, I added Right-of-Way and Land Acquisition services to my real estate broker resume. I started off researching mineral title in Louisiana and Southeast Colorado related to oil and gas exploration.

Title research led to negotiating electrical transmission line easements on a wind farm project in western Kansas. Then another in Williston, North Dakota... in February.

I was promoted to Sr. Project Manager and assigned to a federally-funded Disaster Recovery project on Long Island, New York following the devastating effects of Hurricane Sandy. My team administered a large-scale residential acquisition program on behalf of New York State Governor's Office of Storm Recovery.

Since then, I've worked on various wind, solar, battery storage, and electrical transmission line easements in more than twenty different states. I've served as Land Agent (contract and employee), Senior Project Manager, and Associate Director.

I am proud to have the support of so many clients and landowners I've worked with over the years. Take a look at the Land Services page for an additional overview of my work experience.